Scroll down to “Who can see your friends list” and make sure it is set to “Only me.” Use this link on the Web, or look for “Privacy Settings” in the app. Turn off the ability of others to see your friends list, information that can be used to surveil, catfish or phish you.Make sure “On” is selected for “Review posts you’re tagged in before the post appears on your timeline.” Use this link on the Web, or look for “Timeline and Tagging” under “Settings” in the app. Turn off the ability of others to tag you in posts and photos and have it show up on your own profile without your permission.(Note: Turning this off could make it harder to use games or news accounts you’ve linked to your Facebook account.) Use this link on the Web, or in the Facebook app look for Off-Facebook activity under settings. This Off-Facebook Activity setting, which it added in January, lets you tell Facebook to stop adding information it collects from a remarkably wide range of partners to your profile. Turn off the ability of Facebook to track what you do in other apps, websites and even stores.The trash option puts them into a kind of recycling bin for 30 days, after which Facebook takes out the trash and they’ll totally disappear for you, too. What, you thought Facebook was going to make this easy?) The archive option hides them so only you can access them, but doesn’t actually remove them from Facebook. (Unfortunately, you can’t select all the posts in your filter view at once - you have to tap each one individually. Once you’ve selected some posts, you can choose to either “Archive” or “Trash” them.Then you can filter those posts by date range - say your college years - or by people who are tagged in them.

First you can choose what kind of posts, such as check ins, photos or everything. On this new screen, you’ll be able to filter your posts.Tap a button on top labeled “Manage Activity.” And when it pops up, tap you want to manage “Your Posts.” There you’ll see a list of everything you’ve ever contributed to Facebook.(You’ll know you’re there when you see your name at the top and a bigger version of your profile photo on top of a list of your friends.) Then look for and tap on the button labeled “Go to Activity Log.” Find your way to your own profile page by tapping on the circle with your picture in the upper left.