Game designer - This one is difficult, make sure that you understand games, learn the basics in all fields of development and learn more about everything in life. Level Designer - Make levels and mods in Unreal Engine, Unity or other game engines. There is honestly so many programs that artists use in the industry that I cannot count all of them on top of my head. Pen and paper + Wacom tablet and photoshop is your best friends if you want to become a concept artist.īlender is a good and free 3D program to get started with, Maya/3D Studio is the next level if you want to become a professional 3D artist and should be combined with Zbrush and many other programs. It is simple compared to other engines when you get the hang of how it is working, C# is a bit easier then C++ but you should learn the second language if you want to get in to the big studios as a programmer. Start with Unity, it is a good place to grow. The best recommendation of all, work on things that you want to work on in the future and make sure that you have fun at the same time. The entrance level is increasing every year and remember that there is always someone out there that is better then you. Also, make sure that you practice your chosen field of game development day and night if you want to get into a AAA studio. get a degree from University from one of the fields within games development, practice patience and humility because developers work together and they don't got time with overconfidence. You should instead aim for fun and interesting game mechanics. Graphics isn't even the most important thing, that is just icing on the cake. High quality graphics - Stationary computers beat consoles, consoles beat smartphones and smartphones beat calculators. Supported globally - Babelfish, there are different languages with different advantages. All got its benefits and drawbacks so get your swimwear ready.

Some dedicate half their life solving a specific problem for the benefit of the othersĮase of use - We all dream about that one but no engine, language or technique is an island. An experienced developer just knows how to solve many of them and which problems that are to expensive to solve. No limitation - There is always limitations. There is always another rock left unturned in this topic. I've seen research papers in this area that still makes my head spin after many years of programming. High performance - You want to get as close as possible to the hardware but that also require more case by case solutions.

That will be hard enough and I'd bet that you hit enough problems to come here for more task specific help before it is finished. Click to expand.Hi, your questions makes it painfully obvious that you are new to this so lets just start with something reasonable.